Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

This time of year is filled with lots of emotions. Sadness in not having someone special to share it with (kids don't count when they are not here), happiness that my little one still believes in the magic and gratefulness in the ability to be able to provide for my family and give them the Christmas they deserve.

All of these emotions give me reason to eat. Sadness makes me want to give up on all I've worked for and just say, "what the hell?" Happiness makes me want to have a party in my mouth with scrumptious goodness.

This year I am armed with something more powerful than my emotions. I am armed (with the presence of Jesus Christ) and the PointsPlus Program. I know that instead of munching all day while I cook dinner, I can grab an orange or two. (They were good!) I know that by tracking what goes in my mouth, I will be less likely to put a pinch of this or a spoonful of that in my mouth.

I am grateful for a lot. I am grateful for our Lord who gives me the strength to get through each day, especially the rough ones. I am grateful for my children who are full of laughter and smarts which keeps me on my toes. They also teach me patience on a daily basis. I am grateful for the two jobs that I have. I have the BEST teaching job in the world. I also love all the positions that I hold with WW. I believe it is a wonderful company and can't wait to do that full time after retiring from teaching. I am grateful for having financial smarts. This has allowed me to do things that I never would have been able to do while I was married.

I am also grateful for YOU. My life would not be the same with you in it.

Blessings to you and your family on this wonderful Christmas eve.

Love in losing,

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Still striven in 2011

I've been reflecting this afternoon on today's meeting. I sense that some of you are not as excited as Tracey and myself. Let me talk about that for a bit.

I want you to know that it is ok for you to lack confident in the program. It is a new beginning. And change is hard. I understand how you feel. I was there. Remember me telling you how I strattled the fence? On the one hand, I knew WW was good with their research. On the other hand, I have a hard time "letting go" of things.

I am not asking you to jump in the deep end. I am only asking you to get your feet wet. Maybe the big toe. Just enough to give it a try. A meal. A day. Two days. Three. See how it goes. I think what you'll find is that the program does work and it is not as hard as you think. I would like for you to try one day of figuring points.

I know this is going to be a bit of work, as you may not be accustomed to figuring points for everything you eat. This is like you just signed up. Remember those days? Remember how ambitious you were? Remember how excited you were after the first week when you lost weight? It will happen with this program also.

Once you have the points refigured, it will be a piece of cake. It won't be long before this is just like the old days and you have all these foods figured out too.

I sure hope this little pep talk helped. I don't expect you to be as excited as me (although, it would be fun), but I would like for you to at least enjoy your WW journey. I would like to make more of you lifetime in 2011 than we did in 2010. I don't have that number off the top of my head, but I do know that it is low....2 or 3. I did not buy many flowers this year.

I am going to set some more goals for us. I would like to make at least 12 people lifetime by this time next year. Who's with me? I would also like to keep our numbers per meeting at or above 32. My last goal is for us to lose at least 25 pounds per meeting. We are going to be striven for the whole year of 2011.

Striven means:To exert much effort or energy. We are going to exert much effort in our weight loss. We are going to put forth the right amount energy in order to increase our exercise and our weight loss.

I am still going to give you the opportunity to make a t-shirt. I just don't think it will happen in the first few weeks of January. It will have to wait to see how many people we have week-to-week. Many of you new people don't know of what I speak, but will inform you soon. Goal t-shirts.

Start thinking about what your goal is for 2011.

Love in losing,
730am Saturday.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I guess you were as excited about the new Points Plus program as I was (am). Before I go any further, let me just tell you that I CANNOT wait to see how well you did on your first week of the program.

We were even more super pumped after you left. If it were up to me to make this declaration, I certainly would be able to say that, "based on our product sales of December 4, 2010 we are OUT of the recession." We had 36 people. I don't know how many of you bought product, but I do know that we sold 20 deluxe member kits (which means 20 free calculators), and 17 additional calculators. Our product sales totaled over $1,100.

I heard this is what was happening around the country. However, I thought that was only happening in the nice centers. Never would I have imagined that we would do that well in our little church basement. On the other hand, I did predict that we would sell more than 12 of those deluxe member kits.

We sold so many that we ran out. I'll have to get mine another time. I am ok with that.

My week so far is going well. The eating part is anyway. That's enough for now. I have other worries to take care of...."who will I get to work for Tracey if she has the baby before Saturday?"

Love in Losing,
730 Saturday

Friday, December 3, 2010

Smart Phone

MAN!! I wish I had one of those things. I love tracking online, but am not always near my computer.

I went out to eat with my Dad Wednesday. I sure was appalled at portion sizes listed on the menu. In the kiddy section was a 1/4 burger. AND the menu asks politely for kids only to eat off the kids menu. REALLY? So, if I wanted a burger (which I did), I had to order a 1/2. Are you kidding me? That is WAY too much food for me.

Needless to say, I did not have the burger. Shrimp. How many points though? French fries that I could not resist? Dunno. I did what any good Weight Watcher would do....I eliminated the rest of my Weekly Points Allowance. That being said, I also had a beer when I got home.

That being said. I was a tracking fiend today. Aaaaahhh. It feels so good to be ON program. Losing weight or not. I FEEL healthy.

I can't wait until share with you what you have not learned already see how my week turned share that with you see the excitement in your eyes when you learn all that we know....

Until then.

730 Saturday.