At our house we call them learning opportunities or learning experience.
What do we learn in WW from which we can learn?
- I learned that I do better on each day when I take my vitamin.
- I learned that if I don't track what I eat, I will OVEReat.
- I learned that exercising makes me feel good.
- I learned that I HAVE to be held accountable with someone else.
- I learned that Measuring out my food and weighing it helps me keep my portions the right size.
- I learned that when I do weigh my food, I generally get more food for the points.
- I learned that I have support at my WW meeting.
- I learned that there are people I can call if I need to who understand how I am feeling and what I am going through.
- I learned that it is easier for me to do the right thing when I ask for help from those around me.
And all of these things, I have learned from making mistakes. Some were easy to spot, others I needed someone to point them out. Some were easy to fix, some not-so-much.
Let's all try a little harder to keep our fingers out of the doorway, so we don't get pee'd on.
Today's diddy: "I've never made a mistake. I've only learned from experience." --Thomas Edison
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