Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Apply Past Knowledge

Isn't this what life and WW is all about? If we don't learn from our mistakes, we don't learn. Remember when you were trying to teach your child a life lesson or just something simple. I suppose to the really young ones, something simple IS a life lesson. You know, like don't put your hand in the hinge side of the door while closing it...your fingers will get smashed. Or, pull your pants down all the way before you go potty.....or your pants will get weeeee'd on. (boy or girl) Or, tie your shoes all the may trip. How about: use your words instead of your'll get a lot more accomplished.

At our house we call them learning opportunities or learning experience.

What do we learn in WW from which we can learn?

  • I learned that I do better on each day when I take my vitamin.
  • I learned that if I don't track what I eat, I will OVEReat.
  • I learned that exercising makes me feel good.
  • I learned that I HAVE to be held accountable with someone else.
  • I learned that Measuring out my food and weighing it helps me keep my portions the right size.
  • I learned that when I do weigh my food, I generally get more food for the points.
  • I learned that I have support at my WW meeting.
  • I learned that there are people I can call if I need to who understand how I am feeling and what I am going through.
  • I learned that it is easier for me to do the right thing when I ask for help from those around me.

And all of these things, I have learned from making mistakes. Some were easy to spot, others I needed someone to point them out. Some were easy to fix, some not-so-much.

Let's all try a little harder to keep our fingers out of the doorway, so we don't get pee'd on.

Today's diddy: "I've never made a mistake. I've only learned from experience." --Thomas Edison

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