Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Instant Garden of Success

I may or (may not) get a chance to tune in Thursday or Friday. Here is today's diddy:

Instant Garden of Success:

Plant five rows of Peas:
Planning and Positiveness

Include three rows of Squash:
Squash Negativity,
Squash Dieting,
Squash Deprivation.

Add five rows of Lettuce:
Let us be Positive,
Let us take Responsibility,
Let us be in Contol,
Let us reward our Accomplishments,
Let us be Empowered.

No garden is complete without Turnips:
Turn up with a Positive Attitude,
Turn up wiwth a Smile,
Turn up with New Ideas,
Turn up with Real Determination
Turn up with Success.

May your garden flourish!!!
--Suzy Jones, Leader

Think about this. Comment on one that really strikes you. Share your thoughts. You may have a powerful impact on some else's day/week.

Stay warm. Drive safe.


momofts said...

Today I feel like I need patience, it won't happen overnight. The new program will squash Deprivation! I WILL be in control each day! And I will turn up with a smile :)
Who's next?

Jenny said...

momsofts, sounds like you chose your goal: I will be in control each day.