Sunday, November 28, 2010

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Some one needs to come over and get these things outa here. These must be my downfall. Now I must come up with a plan.

Here is the problem for today. I had two pieces of leftover Mr. Z's pizza. I don't have the label. I did not eat it when we ate it originally so I have no idea what the points are for that. Would it be safe to assume that for a regular crust with "meat lovers" topping that each slice was about 5 points? I think so. Well, that's what I am going with anyway.

Then those DAMN cookies. Had 4 already. As I stated yesterday, those little morsels of yummy-ness are 3 points a piece. Now I am down 10 for pizza and 15 for cookies. (YES. That means I just ate one while getting James to close the lid properly.) DAMN!

So. At 12:35 I have negative 4 points for the day. Still wanting to tell you how grateful I am for the LARGE number of WPA. I now am down to 35 for the week. This should be ok.

MY PLAN: Tonight the kids are gone for dinner. I have ingredients to make a lovely salad for dinner. I can't wait. YUM. I love salad. Part two of my plan involves putting those cookies out in the garage where they are not so accessible. Out of sight, out of mind.

Summary: Keep it out of the house. Keep it out of sight. Serve it to someone who doesn't care.

Love in Losing,

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