Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Problem Solved

Problem number 1: What is the "price" of the Mr. Z's meatlovers pizza? Solution: Go to the FAQ section of the website. Look up nutrition. Bingo Bango Boingo. There it was just waiting for me....and my math brain. The nutrition guide has one serving as 1/6 of the pie. Well, I cut the pizza into 1/4 slices. However, I am no exact pizza cutter. Anyway, I love that I underestimated the amount of points. PROBLEM SOLVED.

Problem number 2: Those DAMN cookies. Solution: Move them to the garage. Nope. Not working. Solution number 2: eat them all to get rid of them. PERFECT. They were yummy. Now they are gone. AND the great news is that I still have WPA left for the rest of the week. PROBLEM SOLVED.

I just cannot tell you enough how much I LOVE the new program. By the looks and feel of things, I will be down an accidental 2+ pounds this week. (Of course I was up last week by no fault of my own.) If I continue to do as well as I am doing, I might just hit my pre-marital weight this week.

I had sort of given up on that goal. I mean for MONTHS I lingered at a pound/pound and a half above that number. Then I realized that is exactly what that was: a number. Would I have felt any different minus one pound or so? I don't think so.

Today's talk: I track well at school. I take part of my break to catch up my Ultimate Three Month Journal and my eTools tracker. The difficult part is when I get home. I am used to making dinner quickly so that it is ready for the kids when they get home from school. Sometimes, I get busy and forget to calculate the points while I am cooking.

I thought about not doing it today. My next immediate thought was, "if I don't fill in today accurately, how will I know how many WPA I have left?" I answered my own question. The only way to know for sure it write it down. While the kid were cleaning up, I got out all the ingredients to dinner and figured up my dinner points. And let me just tell you, I feel so much better about my WW progress for this week.

I hope that you see as much progress as I have in my first weeks of the Points Plus Program. The feedback from our surrounding counties as they have launched the program is OUTSTANDING. I cannot wait to see you Saturday morning.

Love in Losing,

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