Monday, February 21, 2011

Doctor Forced "Diet"

Because my dad had colon cancer and I had polyps 10 years ago, it is time for my 10-year check-up. UGH. Why do I not remember the "diet" they put me on right before? Oh, I know. Probably because I was in the hospital in a lot of pain. The diet escaped me. Well, and there's the whole I-didn't-care-what-I-put-in-my-mouth thing back then.

Now is a different story. I care what goes in my mouth. I love fruits and veggies. They are the crux of "getting through" for me. For 7 days, I have to give up my daily vitamin. I can already feel my energy level decreasing. for 3 days I have to give up ALL fruits and vegetables. 3 DAYS!!!! UGH. That is going to seem like forever. I feel like I am going to have a hard time with that. Thursday I must be on an all clear liquid diet (while I am at work, even). More UGH.

I worry about compensating for the lack of F/V with "pointed" foods. This is going to take extra work on my part to get through. Do you think the liquid diet will make up for it? Damn shame the liquid diet can't include a beer or two, a glass of wine maybe. By then I'll need it.

Ok. Wish me luck.

Love in losing,

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