Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year.....happy new day.

Are you ready?!!!!

Making it Mine starts tomorrow. Who of you will be making their goals? I hope that you have one. Can't accomplish what you don't set. If you did not have a goal for our t-shirt meeting, I hope that you would have one soon.

It is important to have goals in life. Whether for WW or for other things; work, family, finances, religion, whatever. What goals do you have? Write it down somewhere. Private, if you want.

Make it your own. Make a desicion about it. Set little goals along the way to help you get there. It should not be overwhelming. It should be simple--although no one said it would be easy. One stone at a time. Mediphorically, speaking of course, right Anne?

May God bless you with accomplished goals, peace within you, and many more blessings in the new year. Remember one thing; it is only a new year for a short while, but it is a new day every morning. I love you.

Today's diddy: "Instead of using the words 'if only' try sbustituting the words 'next time'."--Country Magazine.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Being consistent helps with everything. Not just in the WW world, but in relationships, in disciplining children, setting boundaries with people in general, etc,....But here is what I found out over the past couple of days as far as my weight-loss journey is concerned:

Vitamins help surpress my apptetite a bit. I suppose that is what is happening. On the days that I do take my vitamin, the next day I show a greater weight-loss than I thought I would have. If I don't take a vitamin, my loss is right where I think it will be. Why is that?

I dunno. I have been pondering this for a couple of days now. These are just my thoughts. I have done NO research, nor have I read the back of the pill bottle or the leaflet. It does something to me to not feel the need to eat so much. Possibly, this is just what I want to think, and not what really happens. But then it does happen, because I "wished" it to happen. Kind of like, "what you think about you bring about." Perhaps, I take just that: a vitamin containing the extra nutrients that I need as a "growing" woman. And the weight-loss is just a placebo kind of thing.

Again, I dunno. But since this particular thought pattern is working for me, I am going to stick to it. I LOOOOOVE the results I am having. Down a total of 8 pounds since mid-November. I still have about 8 more to go to hit my personal goal. However, if I happen to land 3 less than that, I would be at the weight when I met my husband. How much fun would that be?!

If any of you are on Facebook (also another FREE internet service), I have posted a group called Weight Watcher Members. Feel free to join the group. It is simply a place to talk to other members. I think it is easier to talk there than here. I check it every other day or so, just to see if anyone has joined. I may or may not make a comment there. But you can count on me almost everyday here. So, pick what you like and go for it. What ever it is that helps you out, I will be there.

Today's diddy: "To wish to be well is a prt of becoming well." --Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Monday, December 29, 2008

Make healthy choices.....

Last night, after my Sunday night ritual, I went to socialize with friends afterwards. I don't usually do this because I have to be at work so early the next day. My friends go to a local diner. Everybody eats.

I kept in mind the blog from yesterday before I went. Then I enlisted the help of a fellow WW member. I asked her, "If I go tonight, will you help me to NOT order food?"

"Are you sure that is what you want me to do?"
"OK. If that is what you want."

I never had to actually ask her for help, but knowing that she KNEW I wanted help was enough to keep me from ordering. OOOHhh, and the food looked like it tasted sooooo good too. WOW! Was that hard. I had one cup of hot cocoa made with water, no whip cream; 1 point. Good for me.

Boooooyy, I did not like it last night while everyone else was tasting yummy food. But I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am today that I passed up all the food that I could have had. Down 1.6! It certainly does pay off, though. You know what I mean?

On week 5, day 3 of the pocket guide, the quote says something about enlisting the help of others. I agree. That was one of the most helpful things I have done for myself. You know what would have happened had I not asked for help? I would have attempted to talk myself into only ordering a salad or a small appetizer (appearing low in points) or a small plate of french fries. Then when I arrived, I would have taken a look at the pancakes and french toast that the early birds ordered and would have felt compelled to get some of that too. Tastes yummy. Bloated that night. No weight-loss the next day. Guilt. You know what I'm talkin' about.

Make healthy choices, enlist the help of others. It works.

Today's diddy: "If we fill our hours with regret of yesterday and with worries of tomoorw, we have no today in which to be thankful." --Author Unknown. ( I realize this would have been a good diddy for yesterday, but I only saw it today. )

Sunday, December 28, 2008

First Today, Then Tomorrow....

My day is just about over and all my points are gone. I used two WPA. Not bad. Not what I had planned for the day. But, nonetheless, pretty good.

Excuse me while I get a short personal sopbox for a moment....Why are men so hard to communicate with? He makes me so mad that I could first, spit nails and second, EAT until I explode. I get so mad at my husband sometimes that I COULD sit down with an entire box of cookies or jar of peanuts or whatever. I don't care about anything at that moment. I just want to eat.

Luckily, today I thought ahead. "By eating even one chocolate chip cookie, you will have guilt tomorrow and will ruin your efforts. Once your efforts are ruined for the day, you know how that turns out for the rest of the day, for the scale in the morning, for the rest of the week, etc,...." So, I stopped myself. While serving dessert to the family, I refrained. I could have EEEAsily eaten the cookie and then eaten the rest of the day. "Well, I could always start over tomorrow."

NOPE. I have already done that. Remember yesterday's blog? Today is tomorrow. Today I am on track. Today will NOT be ruined by someone else's words, mood or habits. Today I will make the right choice, one bite at a time. Today I will have another glass of water. Today I will do my excersices. Today I will be true to myself and applaud my efforts. Today I will make a positive effort to take the extra step. Today.

Tomorrow is another today. Tomorrow I get to do it all over again. Tomorrow I get to see the numbers on the scale go down. (However, I don't recommend stepping on the scale while trying to get to your goal weight. During my journey, I only stepped on at a WW meeting. Now that I am below my WW goal, I step on daily. Be careful with that. OK?) Tomorrow I get to be proud of what I accomplished today. Tomorrow I will remember how hard today was, and know that if I need to, I can do it again. Tomorrow.

Today's diddy: "Negative thinking is mental malpractice." --Dr. Robert Anthony, Think and Win 1992

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Figuring it out all over Again.

I went to my last Christmas party tonight. I felt good going into it. I had a very low point snack after the meeting, and a turkey sandwich for lunch. PLEEEENTY of points left over for tonight. All I had there was a bit of dip with crackers. No cookies. No chips. Only diet soda, and 4, maybe 5 meatballs. I was tempted by the cookie tray, but passed. My belly was not feeling well.

I was a bit bloated when I got home. Nothing seemed to help. So now I am trying to think about what happened to my day to "ruin" it food-wise. Or unwise. And I thought. Thought some more. I did well. Much better than I would have in the past. So, what went wrong.

I GOT IT!!!!

It hit me like a ton of bricks. I should have thought of this first, as I do with you. I haven't been writing it down today. DER. I am not sure what the scale would read if I stepped on, but I can feel that it would not look good right now.

This is what I have vowed for the rest of this week. I am going to write it down, just like I did last week, and yesterday. Only for the next 6 days, I am going to write it down as if you were going to read it. Not just my chicken scratch, shorthand notes. Really write it down, like with measurements and everything.

I know that this is going to take a lot of effort on my part. A conscientious effort. But I also know that it will be totally worth it on Saturday when I weigh in. After all, I have to be true to myself. I am doing this for me. (ok, and I have that little bet with my aide. I can't let her beat me.) Ultimately, it is about me, not her.

Tomorrow is a new day. And I can't wait to get it started.

Today's diddy: "Resistance to change is nothing more than hardening of the attitudes." --Dr. Robert Anthony, Think and Win 1992

Friday, December 26, 2008

What was that?!

I am not sure what happened two days ago, but yesterday I could not get up off the couch except to go to the bathroom. Kevin seems to think that I may have forgotten to wash my hands after messing with raw turkey. I am sure that is not the case, because I was certain to wash the spoon with which I stuffed the turkey. How could my hands stay dirty in all that soapy water?

Anyway, I lost quite a bit of weight yesterday. Too bad I felt miserable the whole day. Glad that is over. Sure is a lousy way to shed pounds, huh?

I am back on track after that. The turkey sandwich is a good idea. Lettuce, tomato, light mayo or mustard, 1 point slice of bread. That is less than a 4 point point lunch....just my style. Tonight for dinner it will be more leftovers. I have had some of them in there for almost too long. Still good enough to eat, though. No worries.

14 points left to go for the day. I think I will try the exersice equipment we got for Christmas. That should help also. I need to have extra points for tonight's reunion with grade school friends.

Tomorrow is our goal setting meeting. Do you have yours ready? Think hard; it will be displayed for everyone to see. I can't wait to see how they all turn out.

Today's diddy: "The control center of your life is your attitude." --Author Unknown.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

I know I am a few hours early, but I wanted to let you know that I hope you are surrounded by love and happiness and good health this Christmas.

Life is good. Look around.

Take time for yourself.

I love you. Merry Christmas.

Out to Eat.

Last night was great. The server, not so much. I stuck to my points through lunch. I had the N.O. Chicken which came out while I was enjoying my LARGE salad. I left off the broccoli and rice, substituted for the large salad. Broccoli there has too much butter---costs too many points for me. No dessert. One glass of wine.

Now for today. I awoke to the smell of bacon. And found a spread of bacon, sausage, pancakes, hashbrowns and was offered eggs if I wanted them. HUMPH. thank God, my husband was not offended when I told him, "no thank you." I am doing so well and don't want to ruin it.

I have not eaten yet. So I will be making this short, as my tummy is making funny noises.

3 days left, do you have a goal ready?

Today's diddy: "Your degree of happiness is directly related to how well youadjust to plan "B". " --Author Unknown.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Planning Ahead

Thank you, Tracey for the saladbar reminder. I forget about that sometimes, because I am cheap and don't usually want to pay the extra couple of buck. Today will be ok though. I went to (no caps, though) and printed off the "Smart eating Choices" page. I am not really sure some are so smart.

The chicken bella SOUNDS healthy, but it is 15 points. Holy crap, that's alot. I only have 13 left for the day. I was NOT planning on using many of my WPA on food. A glass of wine, perhaps, but not food. Not today anyway. Tomorrow.

Well, I also realized that these only include the main dish. The side dishes also have nutrition information listed. WHOA. I think I will stick with salad bar and the New Orleans Seafood. This will work out nicely. A short workout before dinner and everything will be fine.

Ponder this for a while.....
Today's diddy: "If a river and rock are at war, the river wins. Not from strength, but from perserverance."--Forgot Who, from the 3 Month Journal, week 5, day 3.

Do you have your goal set? 4 days left.

Monday, December 22, 2008


Tomorrow is our 9th wedding anniversary. We were given, as early Christmas presents, 2 separate gift cards to Ruby Tuesdays. Free meal. The question is, what do I have? I am still safe to use the Weekly Points Allowance that I have left. I say that, because if tomorrow were Thursday or Friday, I would not feel safe with weigh-in so close. I will be looking up Ruby Tuesday's in my Dining Out Companion. If not, I will have to search the internet for nutrition guides. I know that they have a menu with the nutrition information on it, or at least they used to. This will not be hard. I will put in my head and ask for the support of my husband to help me stick to my plan. He will.

The following day is Christmas eve. We are cooking everything, except for dessert. Grandma Lois is bringing that. She never does anything "Low Fat", if you know what I mean. I will have a sliver of whatever it is she brings. Or I could always have a "belly ache".

Things to keep in mind (and remind myself often):
  • Keep a path between each food item.
  • Drink water.
  • Put fork down between each bite.
  • Wear "belted" pants.
  • Exercise before company comes over.
  • It does not have to turn out badly.
  • I have been "down" every week since mid-November. That does not have to change.
  • Munching in NOT allowed.
  • Have someone else taste-test when the food is seasoned properly.
  • Enlist the support of someone who cares.
  • I can do this.
  • When eating out, put half immediately into a go-box.
  • Limit alcohol.
  • Have fun.
  • You are important.

Today's diddy: "The measure of character is what people would do if they knew they would never be found out."--Author Unknown


Saturday, December 20, 2008


Today was another great meeting, I thought. There were not as many people there as last week. 30 last week, 25 this week. You know what? I still think those numbers are high for this time of year.

This time of year makes me sit back to think of change, gratitude and friendship. I cannot tell you how grateful I am that Myrna started this Saturday morning meeting and that it was there for me when I needed it. I am grateful for the leader who I very first started my WW journey with in 1998 up in South County.

I am grateful that somewhere, somehow I have been inspired enough to make the right changes in my life to lose the weight that I needed to lose (even the recent weight). I recognize daily the importance of WW in my life, and subsequently the importance of YOU in my life. If it were not for YOU, I would not be in the position that I am in. I would not be able to do the things I do. AND I love what I do. (I have often said that when I retire from teaching, WW will become my full time job.)

I have been observing the changes in you also. I have noticed that some of you have lost more weight than you have in a long time. I noticed that you are losing during the holidays. I have noticed changed attitudes. I have noticed you. Thank you for being part of my life. Thank you for letting me be apart of yours.

I cannot wait for this new year to start. I am even more excited to see the goals you make, set, commit to and achieve. This is going to be an exciting year in the WW world, in your WW world. I can just feel it. Can you? You will. I know that you are going to do great things. You are going to accomplish your goals and beyond. (Go Buzz Lightyear.)

Stand up and be counted. Know that what you think about, you bring about. Remember that it cannot be in your heart until it is in your head first. This is a psychological program. Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you are absolutely right. Aim for that "satisfied" feeling, not the "full" feeling.

Today's diddy: "Feel pride in how far you've come and confidence in where you are going." --Author Unknown

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Instant Garden of Success

I may or (may not) get a chance to tune in Thursday or Friday. Here is today's diddy:

Instant Garden of Success:

Plant five rows of Peas:
Planning and Positiveness

Include three rows of Squash:
Squash Negativity,
Squash Dieting,
Squash Deprivation.

Add five rows of Lettuce:
Let us be Positive,
Let us take Responsibility,
Let us be in Contol,
Let us reward our Accomplishments,
Let us be Empowered.

No garden is complete without Turnips:
Turn up with a Positive Attitude,
Turn up wiwth a Smile,
Turn up with New Ideas,
Turn up with Real Determination
Turn up with Success.

May your garden flourish!!!
--Suzy Jones, Leader

Think about this. Comment on one that really strikes you. Share your thoughts. You may have a powerful impact on some else's day/week.

Stay warm. Drive safe.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Thank you.

Margaret, Lisa and Nancy....thank you for the comments. They keep me going. Glad you're out there. Keep up the great work. I know that you are doing a wonderful job this week and I cannot wait to hear all about it.

If anyone else has anything they would like to share, FEEL FREE. We love it.

What Time is It?

Do you realize that we only have 2, yes 2 more weigh-ins for 2008? This fact dawned on me earlier tonight while I was shopping. I bought the rest of the paint for our shirts. Blue, green, yellow (and white) are WW colors.

What this means is in less than two weeks, you will need to have your 2009 goal ready to be printed. I am going to wear mine next week to give you an idea of how cool it will look. My t-shirt is white. Feel free to buy whatever color you want.

What do you want to accomplish by the end of or in the middle of 2009? What goal belongs to you?

* Is it a certain weight?
* Is it a certain pants/dress/shirt/suit size?
* Is it meeting your WW goal?
* Is it a stone (that was for Ann)?
* Is it to change a certain behavior?
* Is it to eliminate a certain behavior?
* Is it to add a certain behavior?
* Is it to stay focused?
* Is it to not go back to the way things used to be?
* Is it to eat only when you are hungry?
* Is it to drink more water?
* Is it to excersie more often or for a longer period each time?
* Is it to portion/measure your meals?
* Is it to write everything down?
* Is it to attend weekly meetings, except for real emergencies--making yourself first?
* Is it to eat wisely?
* Is it to have a better attitude?
* Is it to not GAIN weight (remaining even is ok sometimes?)?
* Is it to lose somewhere between .2 and 2 pounds everyweek? or an average of 1 #/week?
* Is it to take it one meal at a time?
* Is it to not get stressed out about weight loss journey?

What IS it?

Time is of the essence.

Today's diddy: "When you are working towards your weight-loss goal, you are like a football player trying to score a touchdown.....Sometimes you can run straight up the field. Sometimes you must run up the sides and sometimes you must dodge obstacles, like other players. But you will always try to find a way to reach the goal if you believe the goal is important enough." --Rosa Hirsch, Leader.

Stay Warm. Drive Safely.

Monday, December 15, 2008

The Dawning of a New Day

With mistakes come the opportunity to LEARN. If you have been reading along, you know that I did my learning Sunday. Today is the day to start new. I was devastated at how much I thought that I had screwed up. Last night when I went to bed, I just knew/felt like I was up 1-2 pounds. But at the same time, I also knew that tomorrow (today) would be a new day. I reminisced back to when I first learned WWMomentum. I had learned on a Sunday and started over on a Monday. I was down 3.2 that week. I should be able to have similar results this week. Game on (again)!!!!

So, you may be able to relate, when I tell you that I stepped on the scale this morning and was down .4, I was shocked. I call this momentum. What we think is a bad day, isn't always the case. We can take this and move on. Keep movin' on. Yesterday is in the past. No need to worry about it. Can't change it now. It happened. Get over it.


Today things are the way they should be.....or the best I am making it considering we are "iced" in from school/work. I had my usual oatmeal/banana breakfast and a "pull-out" pre-portioned meal for lunch with a can of green beans. Still have 13 points for dinner. Good for me.

You can do whatever it is that you set out to do. I know that you can. I know that you want to, and the want to is the hardest part. Now you just have to DO. Follow those whom came before you.

Today's diddy: "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."--Chinese Proverb.

Your weight watcher journey of a "thousand pounds" begins with a single ounce. (Notice I did not say pounds.)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Use good bakeware

I have been done with my Christmas shopping since the day before Thanksgiving. But as the days/weeks have gone by, I have thought of a person here and a person there for whom I should buy a gift. Just to let them know that I have been thinking about them and that I care about them. We can't afford to spend a lot of money on gifts, although I could be good at that. And a cheap gift is not my style.

This year we decided on making cookies for many of those people. I came up with 15 people orgininally. I did great on Black Friday making cookies and keeping my mouth out of it, if you know what I mean. I was even down a half-pound that week, with weigh-in the following day. So, I know making cookies and not eating them IS possible, I JUST DID IT NOT TOO LONG AGO.

However, my bakeware took a beating that aren't always as careful as we are with stuff like that.

So, today was the day that I was going to make the other cookies for the new names I'd come up with. With the impending weather conditions, who knows when we will have school next. I want those cookies ready to go when we get back. Our last day before break is Friday. And for those being delivered to my daughter's school too.

Here is what happened: my old bakeware was not letting me lift the cookies off the tray nicely. Many of them came off in wads, if you know what I mean. They were NOT pretty, and I could not give them to anyone. The new bakeware worked just fine. However, I only have ONE of those trays. So, going back to my old ways.....the alternative was to eat the bad cookies. OOOHH, I am so mad at myself.

Here is the good news:
1. I learned a hard lesson: Use GOOD bakeware.
2. Bad cookies can be given out as dessert to children later.
3. I don't have to eat mistakes.
4. It is not too late for me to fix this mistake this week.

Today's diddy: "Goals are dreams with deadlines." --Author Unknown

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Comments anyone?

Today's meeting was AWESOME!!!! I hope that you are as pumped up as Gail and I are about this new Momentum. Who could NOT get excited about being able to eat some foods until you are satisfied and only count them for a point or two more?

I know one young lady was so pumped up about that she came back after everyone was gone and made a big purchase. --New tools to get excited about. a-ha. Our guest was so excited that she joined WW.

Folks, we are on a roll to do great things. WE are going to make great things happen. WE are going to meet our goals in 2009. WE are going to have more members make Lifetime in 2009 than we ever have before. I can just feel it. Are you going to be around to be apart of that? We are going to lose some powerful weight this coming year.

Have you decided on a goal? I think I have. I have. I have decided on a goal for 2009. Perhaps I will sport a new shirt next week. I can't wait to hear about your goal, watch you decorate a shirt and be with you when you meet that goal in 2009.

I was hoping that you could help me out, by making a comment here. A comment every once in awhile makes me feel like this is worth it. Is it?

Lisa, I know that you are going to do great things this week. I cannot wait to read our community journal Saturday. I hope that you will share with the group how your week went. Do you feel like someone is watching you....good thing this in only WW, and not an episode of Alfred Hitchcock. (Yes, I know what that is. I am not that young.)

Today's diddy: "Success comes in 'cans', not in 'cannots'. --Author Unknown

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Just a diddy for today.

Don't be mad, because I am skipping today. I just got done working out. I know its late, but it had to be done. I still have to finish a blanket for Saturday, knowing that I won't have time tomorrow. Showering still needs to happen too. Yuck.

Have a great night.

Today's diddy: "Success is a journey, not a destination."--Ben Sweetland
Even when you think you've arrived, there is another corner to turn.

Been thinking about this all day ( I know you've heard it before, but it is one of my favs.) If hunger is not the problem, then food is not the answer.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I read this poem today and thought of you. It was given us as educators, but I think applies to us also. The author is unknown, but came from AOL.

The winds of change blow through our life,
Sometimes gently, sometimes like a tropical storm.
Yes, we have resting places--time to adjust to
Another level of living.
Time to get our balance,
Time to enjoy the rewards,
We have time to catch our breath.

But change is inevitable, and good.

Sometimes, when the winds of change begin to rustle,
We're not certain the change is for the better.
We may call it stress or a temporary condition,
Certain we'll be restored to normal.
Sometimes, we resist. We tuck our heads down and
buck the wind, hoping that things will quickly calm
donw, get back to the way things were.

Is it possible we're being prepared for a new "normal"?

Change will sweep through our life, as needed,
To take us where we're going....

Today, may we let go of our resistance to change
And be open to the process.
Let's believe that the place
We'll be dropped off will be better
Than the place where we were picked up.....

Today's diddy: "If you quit, you lose nothing."--Patty Hewitt, Leader

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Portions are a Wonderful thing.

Do you have problems packing your lunch every day? I feel like I do. I enjoy eating a whole wheat pita stuffed with veggies, lined with "cow cheese", as we call it around here. However, I do not like to prepare that each morning when I am on a strict time schedule. (I suppose I could save that for the weekends.) The whole thing is only 2 points.

This is what I have been doing instead: making a meal, low enough in calories/fat that when portioned it is either 3 or 4 points. I package the portions in my old DeliSelect gladware and I am good for a week or more, depending. --Those gladwares last and last even through the dishwasher and microwave.

Meal one: Tuna, chips casserole. 8 portions = 3 points each. Mix 2 cans tuna, 1 can peas, 1 C. milk, 2 cans cream of mushroom soup (lowest fat of course), and 2 C. (lowest point) potato chips. Sprinkle 1/2 C. chips over the top. Bake at 350 for 25 minutes. a-ha.

Meal two: Poor Man's Stew, as one member calls it. 1/2 cup portions = 3 points each. Heat green beans, kielbasa and 5-6 new potatoes. Serve when warm. I flavor with bacon grease. I am not sure how accurate this is, but I count the grease like I would butter. 1T = 2 points.

Meal three: Warning: This makes a LOT of food. 11 servings = 4 points each at 1/2 cup. Chicken fried rice. Make and cool 4 C. rice. Make and crumble 1 pound of bacon. Make and chop into bite size peices of chicken breast. Scramble 12 eggs. Set all ingredients aside. Saute green onions in a bit of olive oil. Add rice and fried rice seasoning. Add the rest, one ingredient at a time. Serve when warm enough.

The best part is that Kevin (he's the husband) won't eat meal number one or two, so my lunch is always in the fridge.

This seems to be just enough of a variety that I don't get bored, and there always seems to be a party in my mouth as I savor each delicious bite.

Today's diddy: "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."--author unknown

Monday, December 8, 2008


I was at a conference today. Wow! Those sure make the days drag. Although, I did get some good information to use at school. I would have to say that today was my lucky day. I should have bought a lottery ticket.

First, I got a free parking sticker for the hotel parking lot. Next, I bought the last of each of 2 books I wanted. Third, I got a free soda at McDonald's. Lastly, when I had to take my daughter to school to get a book that she forgot, the door was open (we did not have to stand in the cold and bang on the door to get it unlocked). Cool.

I bet you are wondering how this relates to WW, huh? Well, sit back and I will tell you. I was just sitting here thinking that I am a bit hungry. I look at the clock and realize that I would not be so hungry if I were in bed where I should be. This leads me to think back on my day. Yep. All points are used. Water will help; I did not get enough of that today anyway.....

Lucky things make me grateful. I am grateful....

...for having lunch on my own where I could chose what I wanted to eat for lunch.
...for not having to worry about how many points where in a provided lunch.
...for having the flexibility to chose my own dinner (no one but kids to worry about--leftovers).
...for having all the tools at my fingertips.
...for stamina.
...for determination.
...for contests.
...for blogging.
...for you.
...for WW.

Today's diddy: We can't reach for our goals if we are standing in our own way.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Pump it up! Pump it up!

Alright everyone! It is time to get excited! I cannot wait until Saturday to tell you all about the WWmomentum program. I am down 6 pounds. Yesterday I met my second personal goal, and am on my way to goal number three. I will meet this goal as I surpass my 5% weight loss. I know that you are going to have just as much success with this as I am. You are a star, and you will shine. People will notice. I am super pumped about watching the progress that you will make.

The 5% weight loss is a new item for us to celebrate with new members. (or those who chose to "start over" as some have done in the past. My personal goals, of course have more meaning than the % of weight to lose does. I know that everone is different, though. If you don't have a personal goal, you can use the 5% as something to aim for. Go for it!!

My co-worker is going to be weeping come Monday. I am losing. I can olny guess that she is not...she had more nachos Saturday night. ooooh boy, not good. Her recovery plan was to eat like a mouse today. Yeah, good luck with that. hehehehe

Don't forget to continue to monitor your hunger. Less than 3 weeks until t-shirt time. You will need a goal.

Today's diddy: "If you don't scale the mountain, you can't see the view."--author unknown

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Motivated to Succeed

I am feeling a little less-than today. I apologize if I hurt anyone's feelings. That was NOT my goal. My goal is to make the meeting the best I can for the most number of people that I can. I LOVE working with each of you. I pull for you each week. I am there for you each week to celebrate or talk or both. Whatever you need.

Today I would like to talk about being motivated to succeed. A few of you told me today that you wanted to either quit or that you just did not know what to do anymore. I believe that you will be just as pumped as I am about the new program. Please come back next week to see what all they hype is about. Make a t-shirt with us. See if that helps. Wear the t-shirt whenever you feel like jumping off the wagon (or is it ON the wagon---never could get that straight.) This would force people to ask you about it. You would have to talk about it and own up to it.

A good friend of mine used to say, "Name it. Claim it. and Tame it." Figure out what the problem is...say....munching while cooking dinner. Own up to it. It takes more than just knowing what the problem is, it also takes admiting. They are different. (A lot of times we know what we are doing, we just don't admit to it---and definately not aloud.) Then get it under control. Once you know the problem, it is easy to fix. THAT IS WHAT WE ARE HERE FOR!! Everyone in the meeting room can help.

Here are a couple of motivational ideas that have come across "my desk" in the past couple of days:
1.) We could share a journal. I would buy a 3-month journal for the group. Someone would take it home and track in it for one week. The next week someone else would take it home. You know, like kids do with the class pet. This would be a way to share your week with someone, and make your mark on someone else's life. It would also make you MORE accountable, because you know that someone else will be reading what you wrote. Every time you get the journal you can write your own motivational phrases in it or decorate it how you want. Let's talk about this. I like this one.

2.) We could also do an "anchor exchange". I gave each of you a rock. This is important to me, because I always needed to know that I had support. You could come up with your own "anchor" to share with everyone. You would leave the meeting that day with a number of anchors for you to chose from to use anytime or anymood you want. Let me know what you think of this idea.

3.) Share an idea here ________________________________________. (See comment icon at the bottom.)

The other thing on my mind is your mind. What the scale says on Saturday morning for you may be a reason to celebrate or mourn. This only needs to happen for a short period of time. I love you, but it should not set your mood for the whole day. When I ask you, "How are you?", what I really mean is "How are you?" Truely. If I wanted to know how you were going to feel after you stepped on the scale, I would ask you, "How are you going to feel after you step on the scale?".

I will be there for you no matter how you react when you step on, then off. I will be your biggest chearleader, or a shoulder to cry on. Whatever you need. Please, try not to let that set your mood for the whole day. OK? Instead, use it as a motivational tool for yourself. If you did well this week, pump yourself up to keep going. If you did not do so well, shake it off and start over. Today is a new day.

Remind me Saturday to share a recipe with you......

Today's diddy: "If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Just Do It.....NOW!

Tomorrow after the meeting Gail and I are going to prepare the place for our new program...WWmomentum. Therefore, I cannot stay up late tonight to blog. I do have some thoughts for the day, well actually it more applies to this whole time of year.

I know that the holiday season is tough. Thanksgiving (at least for me) is not too hard. We only had one place to go to. Christmas is different. Everyone wants to celebrate with everyone. More places to go, more people to visit, more food to eat. Next Saturday, I have two family gatherings to attend. Both of which involve food. It is going to take some planning, but I know that I can get through it.

Each day is new. We always say it is a holiDAY, not a holiSEASON. We need to get through one day at a time, one meal at a time, one gathering at a time. The whole week, day does not have to be ruined. THANK GOD. (or whom ever you worship, if at all.)

What I want to tell you is: DON'T give up!!! This is too important for you to take a 3 week vacation from right now. Take a "vacation" from your family later, don't take a vacation from your health now. We have goals to set, t-shirts to make, goals to meet, celebrations to have,.... NOW is the time to jump start your weight loss. NOW is the time to begin a new (positive) habit, NOW is the time to do something for yourself. NOW!

Today's diddy: "Challenges aren't so bad if you look at them as stepping stones and not stumbling blocks. " --author unknown

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Surround me with tools of the program...I am the lucky one.

I think that I am doing a pretty good job motivating myself and asking myself the right questions in order to make it through the week, the day, the meal and the times in between. As of this morning, I am down 4.8 pounds from when I started this new program on November 17, 2008. My week is not over yet either. a-ha.

I came up with one more way to help my efforts. My assistant spoke freely about how she wants to lose her baby weight. She gave me a number, actually. She wants to lose about 4 more pounds than I do. I challenged her to try to get hers off before me. Think I can do it?

I have the advantage....I have Weight Watchers. She has no support (except me, maybe). I have tools...eTools, Dining Out Companion, Food compainon, calculator, food scale, WW magazine, 3 month journal and a weekly meeting to keep me accountable. I AM THE LUCKY ONE.

Here will be the real test. Our real life test to whether what they say is true or not. Do three times as many people lose weight with WW as those who go it alone? If that is true, I should kick her b*tt. For you OCD people (like me), I already realize that this is not a true test. We would obviously need more people to participate. But it sure will be fun to watch me win. (ooooh noooo, I am not competitive AT ALL.) hehehehe.

Our contest starts tomorrow. Both of us will submit our starting weight in the morning. And the race is on. I suggested putting a dollar in the "kitty" every time a pound is shed. First one to goal, gets the kitty. I would like to have a few extra bucks. She wants to do a quarter per pound. I don't usually have that much change on me. Oh well.

Today's diddy: I can be off track at 10:00am, and be back on track at 10:01am. It only takes a minute for me to change my stinkin' thinkin'.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I Don't NEED dessert.

Do you ever have those "hit you over the head with a 2x4" moments? I had one yesterday. (It was too late for me to get back on the computer to write about it.)

I went out to the garage for something...couldn't tell you what. I saw the container of chocolate chip cookies there on the toolbox. Calling for me. Talking to me. Forcing me to be tempted. I was...tempted.

I did whatever it was that I needed to do out there. Glanced one more time at the box. Reached for it. Touched it. But I did not open the box. From somewhere deep inside, I heard a voice that said, "You are not hungry. You don't need it. You don't even want it. Why would you do that to your efforts?" Alright. It was a gentle 2x4, but nonetheless, it still hit me.

That was the moment that I realized: I don't need dessert. I think I do. Why? Because I have been having it for so long, because my kids eat it (ever so small) or just because it is there? The truth is I DON'T need dessert.

My belly is just fine with dinner. I am not stuffed as once I would have made myself. I am not hungry. I am done with my points for the day. I can push in my chair and begin the clean up. I can go on with my night and it is ok. I am fine without dessert.

On the rare ocassion that I think I need one. I ask myself some more questions:
1. Am I hungry?
2. Do I need it?
3. Do I want it?
4. Can I afford the points today?
5. Is today within 2 days of weigh-in?
6. Can I wait until Saturday?

Today's diddy: "No" is a complete sentence. "No Thank you" is a polite complete sentence.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Don't Eat the Nachos

Do you believe in divine intervention? Divine being something BIGGER than me, and intervention being defined as "stopping from doing". I think after today I do. Here is the story.

I work in House Springs. A couple of miles from work is a wonderful restuarant called Company B. It is a BBQ place where they serve pulled pork, chicken and beef. They also serve baked potatoes, salad, and the best nachos I've ever tasted. NOTE: I was introduced to this wonderful place at a time when I did not really "watch my points" as well as I should have. I don't know what kind of points you would spend here. So, BE CAREFULL!!!!!

My husband, Kevin, and I had arranged for him to meet me for lunch today. It has been understood in my book that he would join me to Company B the next time we did this. I made a failed attempt at getting him to stay home and join me another time. I knew that if he did not show up, I would not be tempted to eat these wondeful nachos. But he showed up anyway. My mouth had been watering since last night about having these nachos. It almost consumed my every thought.

We sat around and talked for awhile. He was determined to not eat with me today. I wanted to be upset with him, but he actually saved me from overdoing it today. Good thing too. My official weigh-in for the month is Saturday. Not that I want to ruin all of my efforts after weigh-in....we all know that a mess up at the beginning of the week is easier to recover from than one at the end of the week. (Same goes for monthly weigh-ins.)

Despite all of my arguements as to why we should go to Company B today, Kevin would not budge. I am glad at these moments that he is so strong. Or was it that he was just not hungry?

I don't think that Kevin really had anything to do with it. I think God knew that I did not need to have that food today. God knew that I would feel bad afterwards and He stopped me. Thank you, God.

Today's ditty: Don't go to the grocery store hungry or with cravings.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Setting goals

I have been thinking about what I want my 2009 goal to be. I know that it should be specific enough to matter to me, but general enough for a t-shirt. mmmmm

Do I want to be a certain size? Do I want to lose a certain number of pounds? Do I want to change an attitude or enlist a new healthy habit?

I think that I have answers to all of these questions, but I am not sure that I want to display that on a shirt for everyone to see. Are you having this problem?

My old goal was to "not be THAT woman again" which covered a bit of everything. I could not be that larger sized woman again. I could not be that irrational woman I used to be. And the list goes on.

So what kind of goals are shirt-material?
* Drink enough water.
* Eat fruits and vegetables.
* Move it, lady.
* Stay below goal.
* Exercise daily.
* Eat when hungry.
* Monitor yourself.
* Remain true.
* Get real with yourself.
* One meal at a time.
* Write it down. Write it down. Write it down.
* Eat all my daily points.

All of these sound good. Not necessarily do they apply to me. Still thinking. It has to be a good one. I might still like my old goal.

Regardless of what your goal is, you have a better chance of making that goal if you write it down somewhere, whether it is on a shirt, paper, journal or with your leader.