Sunday, December 28, 2008

First Today, Then Tomorrow....

My day is just about over and all my points are gone. I used two WPA. Not bad. Not what I had planned for the day. But, nonetheless, pretty good.

Excuse me while I get a short personal sopbox for a moment....Why are men so hard to communicate with? He makes me so mad that I could first, spit nails and second, EAT until I explode. I get so mad at my husband sometimes that I COULD sit down with an entire box of cookies or jar of peanuts or whatever. I don't care about anything at that moment. I just want to eat.

Luckily, today I thought ahead. "By eating even one chocolate chip cookie, you will have guilt tomorrow and will ruin your efforts. Once your efforts are ruined for the day, you know how that turns out for the rest of the day, for the scale in the morning, for the rest of the week, etc,...." So, I stopped myself. While serving dessert to the family, I refrained. I could have EEEAsily eaten the cookie and then eaten the rest of the day. "Well, I could always start over tomorrow."

NOPE. I have already done that. Remember yesterday's blog? Today is tomorrow. Today I am on track. Today will NOT be ruined by someone else's words, mood or habits. Today I will make the right choice, one bite at a time. Today I will have another glass of water. Today I will do my excersices. Today I will be true to myself and applaud my efforts. Today I will make a positive effort to take the extra step. Today.

Tomorrow is another today. Tomorrow I get to do it all over again. Tomorrow I get to see the numbers on the scale go down. (However, I don't recommend stepping on the scale while trying to get to your goal weight. During my journey, I only stepped on at a WW meeting. Now that I am below my WW goal, I step on daily. Be careful with that. OK?) Tomorrow I get to be proud of what I accomplished today. Tomorrow I will remember how hard today was, and know that if I need to, I can do it again. Tomorrow.

Today's diddy: "Negative thinking is mental malpractice." --Dr. Robert Anthony, Think and Win 1992

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