Sunday, December 14, 2008

Use good bakeware

I have been done with my Christmas shopping since the day before Thanksgiving. But as the days/weeks have gone by, I have thought of a person here and a person there for whom I should buy a gift. Just to let them know that I have been thinking about them and that I care about them. We can't afford to spend a lot of money on gifts, although I could be good at that. And a cheap gift is not my style.

This year we decided on making cookies for many of those people. I came up with 15 people orgininally. I did great on Black Friday making cookies and keeping my mouth out of it, if you know what I mean. I was even down a half-pound that week, with weigh-in the following day. So, I know making cookies and not eating them IS possible, I JUST DID IT NOT TOO LONG AGO.

However, my bakeware took a beating that aren't always as careful as we are with stuff like that.

So, today was the day that I was going to make the other cookies for the new names I'd come up with. With the impending weather conditions, who knows when we will have school next. I want those cookies ready to go when we get back. Our last day before break is Friday. And for those being delivered to my daughter's school too.

Here is what happened: my old bakeware was not letting me lift the cookies off the tray nicely. Many of them came off in wads, if you know what I mean. They were NOT pretty, and I could not give them to anyone. The new bakeware worked just fine. However, I only have ONE of those trays. So, going back to my old ways.....the alternative was to eat the bad cookies. OOOHH, I am so mad at myself.

Here is the good news:
1. I learned a hard lesson: Use GOOD bakeware.
2. Bad cookies can be given out as dessert to children later.
3. I don't have to eat mistakes.
4. It is not too late for me to fix this mistake this week.

Today's diddy: "Goals are dreams with deadlines." --Author Unknown


Margaret said...

Love your blog. Thank you for helping us to remember the little things that can become big things!!! You are great!!

momofts said...

So today is my turn to bake. Thank you Jenny!! Everytime a cookie crumbles I repeat "I don't have to eat my mistakes!"