Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Out to Eat.

Last night was great. The server, not so much. I stuck to my points through lunch. I had the N.O. Chicken which came out while I was enjoying my LARGE salad. I left off the broccoli and rice, substituted for the large salad. Broccoli there has too much butter---costs too many points for me. No dessert. One glass of wine.

Now for today. I awoke to the smell of bacon. And found a spread of bacon, sausage, pancakes, hashbrowns and was offered eggs if I wanted them. HUMPH. thank God, my husband was not offended when I told him, "no thank you." I am doing so well and don't want to ruin it.

I have not eaten yet. So I will be making this short, as my tummy is making funny noises.

3 days left, do you have a goal ready?

Today's diddy: "Your degree of happiness is directly related to how well youadjust to plan "B". " --Author Unknown.

1 comment:

momofts said...

Good job passing up that big breakfast! Yeah for your hubby for not being offended! (double yeah for cooking the kids breakfast!)