Saturday, November 29, 2008

Entry One: The Introduction

I thought that this would be a better way to share support. I write. You read. You comment (if you want). Everybody shares. Win-win for everyone. Do you like?

Today was a good meeting. I am so glad that you were there. I love to hear your successes. I love to listen when you need help. I liked that some of you left the "trail" on your plate for Thanksgiving in order to help your efforts. This could be used on a daily basis though.

Why should we wait for special days to use neat tricks like this? Shouldn't we still track our points on those special days?

I have to admit that I did GREAT with writing everything down and eating just my number of points everyday. I knew that I was going to use my 35 weekly points allowance on Thursday. And I did. Problem was, I did not make the food. I could only guess the number of points each thing was worth. And I was, for whatever reason that day, not taking notes. I am not sure what happened.

I am so good about that.

Well, the scale showed it this morning. Thursday morning I was down a total of 5.6 pounds. Today, only 4.2. What a difference a day makes.

HERE IS THE GOOD NEWS: I don't have to let this get me down. I started over on Friday. I did well, despite making 5 different kinds of cookies. Most of them are for gifts, which helps my mindset. Can't give away what is in my belly. Therefore, DON'T EAT THEM.

Today is an even better day. I have kept myself busy....not on purpose. I have only eaten 3 points. I will be having lunch right after this. Saturdays are easier than they used to be. Just too much to do. And not enough time to boredom-eat.

Have a great weekend. Remember: if food is not the problem, then eating is not the solution.

Here is another diddy: What you eat in private, shows up in public.

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