Sunday, April 19, 2009

Lettuce-free Salad

The meeting this week was awesome!!! My heart gets all choked up when I talk about it. Not only are you losing weight and becoming lifetime in the fastest time I have ever seen, but you are also generous with your heart. ONE member donated an entire basket of things for our Relay For Life campagin. Several have either purchased items and donated or given cash for us to purchase things with. Many of you are donating your time and efforts in other manners. So much that I am just blown away.

We may not be setting records (yet) in statistics kept by WW management, but we have exceeded ANY expectation of giving that I have ever seen. I love you. It is truly MY pleasure to work with and lead such great people to their own greatness. Some of you will go onto become helpful Lifetime Members----giving advice at meetings, others of you will go onto become receptionist who help the meeting run, and some of you will become great leaders of your own meetings. Just make sure you remember the little people (me) when you are touching the lives of others.

This weekend turned out to be a good one. BBQ with neighbors Saturday. I was so busy making the food, I hardly had a chance to eat. We ate so late that all we did for dinner was a small snack. Felt real good at the end of the day. Today was pretty much leftover DAY. We had a lot of food leftover from yesterday. Again, I feel good....go some carb that are doing their thing right now, but that will settle down soon.

I went to the grocery store yesterday morning. I bought a bunch of yummy ingredients to put into a salad for my lunch all week. Looking forward to the meals....until I started to put away the food and realized that I did not buy the lettuce. Now WHAT?! What is a salas without lettuce? I guess I will let you know. I refuse to let any of that food go to waste. I will eat lettuce-free salad this week. Whaddaya think?

Today's diddy: Determination won't let obstacles stand in the way.
Love in Losing,

1 comment:

infiKnitGirl said...

I love you, you crack me up! I actually made an excellent lettuce-free salad that I found in an old WW magazine. It was delicious! I think it was called Gazpaccio salad.