Monday, January 25, 2010

I'm Baaaaack. Not for the weak. Please no judging.

Ok. So here's the deal. I need to get back to where it all began.

I have been maintaining this weight I have for quite a few months now. I am within the range that Weight Watchers has set forth for someone of my height. All my clothes still fit. Nothing is really wrong. But I have some thoughts:

My life has changed in a big way in the past 6-7 months. I want to feel good and look good. I want that "hot woman" feeling back. So, I've decided to get back to basics. My three month journal is open and dated. I actually wrote in it today. I've located my eTools user name and password. I logged all of my intake for the day. And I'm back on the blog.

I am determined to lose these 9 pounds that I've gained since the separation started. I know it does not sound like a lot, but it has made a difference. I used to be able to pick my clothes out the night before based on weather. Now I have to see how "fat" or "skinny" I will feel in the morning. I don't want to do that anymore.

I've been determined since I woke up Saturday. Started the day well. Ended the day well. Not sure what happened to Sunday. Oh yes, I do. No tracking. I could not tell you why I didn't. Just didn't happen. I suppose in the back of my head I knew that I lost a bit from Saturday to Sunday, so tracking did not matter. Well YES IT DOES.

Not only that, but I had a friend over for dinner Sunday night. A fellow WW member. We got to talking about pantyhose. She doesn't like them b/c you can't see her pretty pedicure. I don't like them b/c the top seems to fall over the "fat rolls" and bunch up causing a nice "ring around my waist" by the end of the day. Not to mention how simply uncomfortable they are by the time I get home. She said to me in regards to the "fat roll" comment, "Oh, I don't have that problem."

She doesn't. She's a VERY good lifetime member. Follows the program. Counts her points. Uses eTools daily. Excersises.

Well, damn it! I'm not going to have that problem anymore either. I am going to be a good role model.

Today's diddy: Love others. Live for yourself.

Love in Losing,