Thursday, January 28, 2010

Random Thoughts

Met first goal. Next goal is on the way. YAY.

I can't say that day I am having any "issues" with the weight loss program. However, I might need someone to educate me a bit on the eTools. I thought that I'd done this in the past, but cannot figure it out right now.....I want to track food that I already know the points value of. It is not yet a "favorite" of mine so I can't pull it from that list. If I want to add that food, it asks me to name the CFF. I don't necessarily know this, b/c I've done that at home and don't have the package anymore.

I have food whose name brand (or store brand) is on on the eTools list. How can I put the food on my tracker without having to input the CFF?

Not an issue, but an observation: I've noticed that I eat more for lunch than I do for dinner. I guess that's good. I don't have many points left for dinner. For the most part, that seems to be ok. I'll be glad when someone eats the last of those chocolate chip cookies on my counter. (NOT me, silly)

Here is another thought: Hockey game food. Points on a hotdog? nachos? beer? ooooo, that might be hard. Gotta be good for that night. YIKES. I love that stuff.

Today's diddy: "If you surrender coopletey to the moments as they pass, you live more richly those moments." Anne Morrow Lindbergh

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